Message of Principal

Colonel S M Moniruzzaman, SGP, afwc, psc
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.As Principal of Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College (SAGC), it is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you to our College Website. It is the showcase of our institution, which I believe, will satisfy your needs. It contains all essential information related to our institution and hoping to see it to be more engaging, interactive and dynamic in coming days. I firmly believe that this website is going to act as a bridge to all inquisitive people who intend to know about SAGC.
SAGC is one of the iconic Secondary and Higher Secondary Institution for female education in Bangladesh, which was established in 1957. It is located in an enthralling site inside Dhaka Cantonment, Bangladesh. SAGC is governed through the supervision of a very Competent Governing Body. The Principal along with three Vice Principals down the chain leads it. Presently, this appears to be the dream institution of every girl and every parent. Its curriculum is rich, effective and well balanced. We intend to provide true education in a faith-filled environment. We are deeply committed for the progressive development of our students in terms of intellectual ability, ethical values, social norms and in physical ability. Our learned, experienced and self-motivated teaching staffs are always pro-active and inspiring to provide appropriate guidance to the learners.
I strongly feel that education is a combined orchestration of the students, teachers and parents. If we can harmonize the efforts of all three components, we will definitely achieve the desired result. In the process of human resource development, this institution is relentlessly exercising its efforts in producing appreciable creative problem solvers, critical thinkers and inspired learners. They are, no doubt, would be an invaluable asset of the Nation.
Finally, I thank all who are in active role in designing and developing this Website. Hope to see more dynamic and interactive modules in coming days with this Website.
Best wishes to all.
Colonel S M Moniruzzaman, SGP, afwc, psc
Dhaka Cantonment.